Austrian Recognition and Evaluation Act (AuBG)

The new Recognition and Evaluation Act (AuBG) came into force in Austria on 12 July 2016 for qualifications obtained abroad. The cornerstones of the new Act are as follows:

  • Evaluation procedure: New procedures have been created for evaluation of professional qualifications and training and existing evaluation procedures have been enshrined in law. An evaluation is an assessment on foreign training and/or a foreign professional qualification which helps employers to quickly gain an overview of your qualifications.
  • Harmonisation of legal procedural provisions for qualifications acquired abroad with EU standards: Once the application office has received all necessary documentation, the procedure will take no longer than 4 months until a decision is reached. Unless stated otherwise, supplementary post-qualification or compensatory measures are prescribed for training from third countries as with EU and EEA education and training.
  • Introduction of new procedures: Individuals entitled to asylum and those entitled to subsidiary protection who, through no fault of their own, have lost certificates or evidence of education and training while fleeing should be able to have their qualifications confirmed through alternative procedures (e.g. practical or theoretical examinations, random testing, technical discussions, work samples). (Formal recognition without certificate or verification)
  • Letters of recognition and evaluation reports in supporting and mediating labour market services: Please provide letters of recognition and evaluation reports in all cases during the preliminary discussion with the AMS. This makes it easier to find a job that matches your qualifications.

Transparency and service:

  • The online recognition portal provides further information on procedures, the authorities responsible and the documents, translations, attestations and procedural costs required for applications.
  • Advice centres throughout Austria provide support with questions regarding recognition and evaluation, and if necessary, with the procedure itself.
  • Procedures will be recorded uniformly for statistical purposes in future.

The full legal regulation for the Federal Act can be found here.