Entering the employment market

Are you coming to Austria from a non-EU country?

Citizens coming from a non-EU country and starting employment need a work permit for the employment market: the Public Employment Service Austria (AMS) is responsible for this. The type of permit required depends on:

  • the type of activity
  • the length of the activity and
  • the required qualifications

Further information is available at www.migration.gv.at and www.ams.at. Important: recognition does not entitle an individual to access the labour market or stay in the country.

Are you coming to Austria from an EU country?

Citizens coming to Austria from an EU-country do not need a work permit and have free access to the Austrian employment market. However, EU citizens wishing to stay in Austria for longer than three months need a registration certificate, which is issued by the Immigration, Citizenship and Registry Offices (municipal authority or district commission).




The regional branches of the AMS can help here, provided that the employment sought is not self-employment. Bring any documents such as certificates, evidence of education and training as well as recognition decisions or valuation reports with you to your adviser.

The integration centres at the Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF) also offer regular integration workshops on the topics of work and career which provide support with making a successful start in the labour market.


Mentoring for success

The Austrian Integration Fund, in collaboration with the Austrian Economic Chambers (WKÖ) and the AMS, sponsors a special initiative called “Mentoring for Migrants”, a programme for highly-qualified individuals. This programme is being implemented successfully in all federal states in collaboration with the Austrian Economic Chambers. It involves experienced figures from the world of business using their knowledge and networks to provide support over a period of six months to individuals with a migrant background in order to help them integrate into the Austrian employment market. More information is available at: http://www.integrationsfonds.at/themen/weiterbildung/mentoring/